Directed by Aaron Benitez
Talent: Elaine Hayhurst, Aaron Benitez, Mark Lee, Chase Drews, Casey Gagliardi, Greg Maness, Madison Picazo, Victor Urban Picazo, Zachary Mical, Katie Schwinck, Megan Scott, Robert Harden Jr., Lorenzo, Rhys, MonicaAdditional Voices: Danny Hauger, Arielle Brachfeld, Fabienne Tournet, Kaleigh Macchio,
Writers: Sarah W., Alex F., Aaron, Andrew, Kevin P, Mark S
Vocals: Christopher Weeks
Sound: Kenji, Thomas Boykin
VFX: Narendra Moond, Ben Klewais, Natalia RazProduction Design: Ellie and Seth
Production: Lorenzo, Rhys, Biani, Boaz, Michelle
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