Lalelal.Me Demo- How to add Listing

Short Description:
This demo listing (example) describes how easily one can add listings for the institutes, services, businesses, YouTube channels, Facebook pages, websites, applications, etc. (এই নমুনা সরূপ লিস্টিং এ বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে কিভাবে লিস্টিং তৈরি করা যায় অতি সহজে)

Tips for Some Common Fields:

Short Description: 

This section includes the summary and highlighted information for the front listings page only. It includes brief information about the listing for the visitors. It’s purpose is to attract visitors to view more for the details. উল্ল্যেখযোগ্য ও সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ এই অংশে প্রদর্শিত হয় শুধুমাত্র লিস্টিং- এর সামনের পাতায়। ভিজিটরদের সংক্ষিপ্তভাবে লিস্টিং এর বিবরণ এখানে দেওয়া হয়। এই সেকশনের উদ্দেশ্য, লিস্টিং এর সম্পূর্ণ তথ্য জানাতে ভিজিটরকে উদ্বুদ্ধ করা।

Description Field:

The Description field includes detail information about the listing. Text formatting is always easy and efficient with standard formatting tools. Maximum limit is 2500 words. Note: The toolbar options, in Description section, are shown only half by default, and clicking on “Toolbar/ Toggle” button will show all the options.

YouTube Video:

YouTube videos can be added only in this section with code: [*embed* width=”300″ height=”250″] [*/embed*] if required. Copy this entire code, past & remove the * asterisks in it, and replace the VIDEO_ID with your intended video ID which you can easily find while playing that video in YouTube.

Example video describers how to get the VIDEO_ID.

Pictures/ Files Attachment:

  • Attaching pictures in this section (visual tab) is as simple as pasting the URL of the accessible images (i.e. to attach a picture, simply paste the URL of it).

  • You can also allow the listing viewers to check your Google Drive shared pictures or files (for example) with the use of the hyperlink tool “Insert/ edit link” present in the tool bar in this section. For example click here.


Facebook page like button: 

This exclusive feature enables your Facebook ‘page like button‘ to be embedded in the easiest way with the listing.  Simply copy the FB page’s URL and paste to this field.

Google Form: 

Listing can be utilized to collect user feedback using Google form. Copy the shared link and paste is to this field. Additionally, a link title can be added.

Example video describes how to create a Google Form and use it’s link.

Google Drive: 

Add Drive’s share link to make available of more files. This feature expands the sharing capabilities to the horizon.

Example video describes how to share google drive link.


You can add your company ID or profile URL.

Social Site:

Connect to one of the popular social sites (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, reddit, Flickr ) simply with the URL. Social site logo displays automatically.


With website URL you can connect your website to the listing. Additionally, a title can be added.

Tips for Category Specific Fields:

Doctor’s Specialization:

Doctors (Physician/ Surgeon) can select one of the specializations from a drop down list for a listing. Advance Search option includes this field.

Feature/ Amenity:

This field includes all the special features or amenities of the service listing. Advance Search option includes this field.

Award/ Achievement:

This field includes all the received awards and achievements by the listing entity. Advance Search option includes this field.

Award/ Achievement:
You can add information about awards and achievements.
Add address along with telephone numbers and emails for public view. (ঠিকানার সাথে টেলিফোন নম্বর ও ইমেইল যুক্ত করলে তা সবাই দেখতে পারবে)